
My View of the Marriage Debate

I am getting so sick of the conversation about why are 42% of Black Women unmarried?
Are they freaking serious? Is there no better topic? Do people really think there is a cut and dry answer? Nothing is that black and white. There are a number of reasons: some women choose to be single, some prefer women, some are focused on careers, MEN are asking… but in this conversation why does it seem like black women are being blamed for the relationship status. I was in a relationship with a man who treated me great he was a sweet guy and an angel of a boyfriend, however; I knew that he was not the man whom I was created for. Ah ha! Maybe this is the missing link!!! People these days get together for the most superficial reasons. Men want women who have big butts rather than big hearts, who are better at using their bodies rather than their minds. Women are caught up on how a man is dressed and his resume rather than his Vision. People do not court, date and get to know one another anymore. They do not pray and seek God about the person for whom they are created. People want instant gratification want a microwave relationship based on looks, status and other “surface” factors.

Another reason is the “grass is greener” theory. This is especially true with men. Because men have so many more options than women, they keep searching for “the next best thing” NEWSFLASH!!! Just because someone may be better on paper doesn’t mean they are better for you. Often time the most genuine people get overlooked, because someone thinks they are better than they should. I am not saying don’t have standards, but I am saying make wise decisions.

Careers! Don’t get me wrong I am a very driven woman and a born go-getter, but not to the point where it is going to negatively impact my personal life. Becoming Dr. Powe does not trump me being Dwayna Powe: mother, daughter, sister, friend, lover….and eventually WIFE. Why because I understand why I was created. Though I bring great things to the table I know how to be a submissive woman, I know I am designed to be a helper to my mate.

People take the true meaning of marriage for granted. My parents have been married for almost 35 years and they still have date night every week. They are each other’s best friend and they put each other first after God. These days people are self absorbed and have the Janet Jackson syndrome “What have you done for me lately?” Relationships and marriages can only thrive when both parties work together through good and bad and though you may not always agree you are willing to stick it out no matter what.

I could really go on for days, weeks, eons about this topic but I am just giving my surface thoughts at the moment. I just feel it’s bogus that black women a being looked down upon because we are not all married, as if we propose to or can marry ourselves. IJS!

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