

So a couple of weeks ago a friend of mine asked me my views on the role of a wife. I told him that I felt a wife should be like salt for several reasons.

Salt has many purposes:
1)      To refine
2)      To heal
3)      To cleanse
4)      To enhance

When I say that a wife’s purpose is to be salt for her husband, she needs to fulfill the same purposes as actual salt. She should refine him. The Bible says that iron sharpens iron. She should be that woman that makes him better by who she is, not by nagging or trying to change him for superficial purposes. She should be there to heal his hurts. When he experiences hurt, trauma and disappointment she should be the one to help lift him. She should be there to cleanse. A man carries the weight of the world on his shoulders and often has to get down in the trenches. Not only is the wife supposed to get down in the trenches with him, but when they come out she should be the one to dust him off and let him know that all is well.  A wife should enhance her husband. People  add salt to food to enhance the taste. A man adds a wife to his life for her to enhance him in all areas. Like the lyrics say “I’m a movement by myself, but we’re a force when we’re together. Baby I’m good all by myself, but baby you make me better."

Just my thoughts in a nutshell.

1 comment:

  1. Every Woman Should Have This Typed Up In A Frame And They Should Read Every Morning Or Night.
